Yasuhiro Akatsuka graduated from the Faculty of Commerce at Keio University in 1969. Joined Deloitte Haskins & Sells Japan office in 1972. Later, through the merger of Deloitte Haskins & Sells Japan office with Tohmatsu Aoki Audit Corporation, Sanwa Audit Corporation, and other firms, the Limited Liability Audit Corporation Tohmatsu (currently Deloitte Tohmatsu LLC) was established. He worked at Deloitte Tohmatsu LLC for 25 years and retired in 2011 as a managing partner. During this time, he primarily handled audit work based on U.S. accounting and auditing standards for 39 years. After retirement, he served as a Senior Researcher at the Self-regulation and Business Headquarters of the Certified Public Accountants Association, as well as an external auditor for listed companies and other organizations.